Yahoo Sports

● By Eric Edholm

Accuracy: 1.20%487th Place
Yes, come for the draft prospects but stay for the dad jokes — it’s our first mock of the season and we couldn’t be more jacked. We’re six months away from April, which means we can let loose with a mock that, well, yes you’ll be able to mock quite freely. There’s at least some more clarity with the 2020 NFL draft prospects and how the first round could shake out at the quarter pole of the season. The aim here is to connect prospects as closely as possible to the teams that could use their services but also to land players in the general range of where they might be taken if the draft were tomorrow. So don’t worry if player, team and need don’t exactly synch up — this is a broad-spectrum view of where we stand now within the draft landscape.

Top Players Not Included

These players appear in the top 32 of our

Consensus Big Board

, but do not show up in this mock.